Why Should Early Years Education Be Free?


“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
– Anthony J. D’Angelo

Early Years Education, also termed as Pre-primary Schooling is the cornerstone of human life. This is the learning that a child obtains from birth till eight years of age, the period of optimal physical and mental development of a child. Lots of debates and discussions have already taken place on the topic that whether Early Years Education Programs should be free or paid. Most of such discussions concluded in the agreement that Pre-primary Education should be complimentary. Many parts of the world including England, offer free universal early education and childhood care. Yet, in other regions, it still costs quite a few dollars depending on the facilities and advancements offered by the program. Let us emphasize further Why Early Years Education Should Be Free for every human child on the planet.

Significance of Early Years Education

Early Years Education or Nursery Education plays a crucial role in Child Development. During these years the rate of the Physical and Emotional Development of a child remains the highest compared to the rest of their life. A child develops Social and Cognitive Skills during this period. Also, the behavioral and communication habits of a child develop at this age. The quality of Early Years Education and Child Care provided to a child can and does determine the child’s future abilities, habits, behavior, characteristics, relations management, and reactions to different situations. Often, Childhood Education Programs come coupled with health interventions in terms of Meals in schools, Social and Health Services, Parenting Solutions and Services, etc. So, along with child education, these programs address the early onsets of common health hazards like Growth Retardation, Anaemia, Impaired Vision, various Micronutrient Deficiencies, Childhood Diabetes, Impaired Hearing, etc. This is why every child of every nation needs to get proper childhood education and care of the utmost quality possible.

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Differences Created by Paid & Non-Paid Pre-primary Education & Care Programs

Government and Non-Government Organisations of different countries design and implement Early Childhood Education & Care Programs some of which are offered for free and the other ones are paid for. The differences in services and quality of services are often noticed between the paid and non-paid programs which greatly impact the children’s upbringing. Provided facilities and involvement of advanced technology are much lesser in the non-paid Early Years Education Programs compared to their paid counterparts. This creates inequality in children’s overall development, physical and mental health status, skills and abilities, habits, interests, and characters. Which after a few years, gets reflected through differences in Socioeconomic conditions of different individuals from the same community and population.

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Importance of Free Early Years Education

A free and universal Early Years Education System implied nationwide encourages equality and produces equally abled citizens. This system reduces the chances of child morbidity to a significant extent. It provides all children of a nation opportunity to get developed equally irrespective of their family income and other obstacles. Further, this system encourages populations to provide their children with primary and secondary education. It effectively reduces the rate of school and high-school dropouts by channelizing the energy and concentration of young children towards studies. Moreover, these programs make the parents aware of the importance of knowledge and how it is inevitable for the upliftment of life. This kind of education system is the foundation for a healthier society with a better vision, progressive mindset, and an educated population with willingness and positive energy.

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Image Courtesy: Unsplash


We discussed how an equal pre-school education system can impact human life and why it is important in all states in the world. Education is one of the basic rights of every human being and children are a nation’s future. Starting early education in a free and universal education system creates a sense of equality and discipline in all children. The facilities and opportunities provided by complimentary Early Years Education Systems can produce a sincere and healthy young population that in the future will turn into responsible citizens and skilled workers leading a country (and the world) towards optimum economic, social, educational, and environmental growth.


Featured Image Courtesy: Unsplash

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