What Makes A Very Good, First-Class Essay?


What Makes A Very Good, First-Class Essay?

In this vlog, we will check out how you can carve a first-class essay, offering you the best opportunity of graduating from university with a first-class on the whole. As a student, Rosie Crawford has noticed huge developments in her academic writing, and eventually, she would like to share some insightful thoughts on what she thinks has helped her to attain first-class essay marks.

There are steps that you can undertake to make sure you can compose a first-class essay. We have summated these steps into a list as mentioned below:

  • Know the marking criteria
  • Think out and plan before selecting your question
  • Figure out the question (assess the topic)
  • Ensure high quality sources and error-free referencing
  • Engage critically with different viewpoints and that will demonstrate your depth of knowledge and your level of awareness of important debates
  • Structure your argument and counter-arguments comprehensibly
  • Have a well-thought-out outline
  • Maintain clarity and academic writing styles

Rosie Crawford discusses in her vlog the way a first-class essay should have a clear structure/outline counting the introduction, body, and conclusion, however, there are further points to take into account if you are targeting a first-class grade. Watch the vlog to find out more about this.


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