The current piece focuses on important tips to help you implement 8 P’s of personal brand. The four P’s of marketing (product, price, place, promotion) are referred to as the marketing mix. These four P’s are considered as the main elements involved in marketing a particular good/service, and they act together and interact significantly with each other. Any brand thinks about all of these P’s as they design and market their offerings to their consumers.
Here are some important tips to help you implement 8 P’s framework as you develop your brand:
In this segment, it is important to reflect and consider your qualities, characteristics and traits, values, and most importantly your uniqueness. Next, it is necessary to consider the skills, academic qualifications, and experiences that you have gathered. How you would define your authentic self? All these elements contain what you as an individual can offer to the world (that is, your product).
This element of the framework focuses on the industry/sector you work in, the functions that you perform, and the geographic areas where you reside.
The element “price” depends upon the promises that you can deliver and the charge that you levy for your offerings. The price signifies the salary/rate for services offered. This component also denotes the market demand and willingness of the market to pay for your characteristics, experiences, and services.
This element of the framework signifies how you can promote your skills and know-how. This section shows the way social media profiles can effectually communicate your background, skill, and the value that you can bring.
This component of 8 P’s of Personal Branding framework represents what your outward appearance reveals about you. Packaging also shows the way someone with the characteristics that you have and the value that you bring needs to be dressed and styled. In case you have a strong academic background, higher level of industry expertise, and pronounced experience but your outer appearance is unpolished, then your brad will not be strong as it could be.
This element outlines where you are placed in the minds of people who are familiar with you. This section shows where you are placed with respect to your associates and others with similar characteristics. This component also shows what people say about you when you are not around. Again, this factor also considers how you are defined when you are introduced and presented.
This is an integral element of the framework that indicates the people who are there in your network (your inner or outer circle), your guides, and your sponsors. This also shows the kind of relationships that you can build.
This component of the 8 P’s of Personal Branding framework shows what people think about you even before you utter a word after entering a room. This shows the way you carry yourself, your body posture, facial expressions, and the way you communicate using body language. Also, this reveals how your digital presence and footmark convey to the world.
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