UK Points based Immigration system | How to get a UK work visa | UK immigration


UK Points based Immigration system

This video presented by Your Knowledge Buddy discusses in detail UK’s new visa Immigration rule which is Point based system, that started on 1st Jan 2021. This Point based immigration system is introduced to attract new talent to fill up roles that are classified in the Shortage Occupation List.

Under the points-based immigration system, excluding Irish citizens, any person coming to the UK for work needs to meet a particular set of criteria based on which they will score points. Thereafter, visas will be granted to the ones who can score adequate points/given number of points. This system offers flexible arrangements for UK recruiters to appoint skilled workers from across the globe through different immigration routes. A sponsor license is required to appoint the most qualified workforce from outside the UK. However, before applying and registering to be a sponsor, recruiters need to check that the occupations you want to appoint workers for are meeting the requirements and criteria for sponsoring work visas. This vlog by Your Knowledge Buddy provides a detailed overview of the points-based immigration system in the UK, explains the new UK visa system, and illustrates the points required to get the UK Skilled Worker Visa.


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