Tips on how to be successful in Career Branding for UK University students
Every year students passing out are increasingly feeling the competitive pressure to get a job in UK. Here are some tips on how to be successful in Career Branding for UK University students .This job hunt game or job search is not an easy process, but is a hard reality. Presenting some tips on how to be successful in Career Branding in UK University. Let us find out first what is career branding in UK and why do you need career branding as UK university student.
1. WHY career branding?
Career branding is an indication of the best you intend to contribute mainly your academic contributions that is positioned as a value, performance that employer seeks from any UK university candidate.
The brand that you are you, needs to communicate. Branding indicates YOU and your career reputation in UK or alternately a ‘promise’ of YOU for any UK company. You need to carry that promise of delivering your commitment to tasks using the personal values to be aligned to organisational values. In all the tasks and in the job descriptions that you perform it is necessary that you are confident about your career. This will help you to be identified in the job profile, your work when you want to carry forward. Having or building a unique career brand in UK, requires to build your identity in the UK job market. Only you can take advantage of it, so that you can leverage that to catch the eyes of prospective future UK employers.
2. Analyzing yourself before you brand yourself:
This is the priority. As you graduate from UK University there is stiff competition around you. Therefore you require analyzing yourself before you brand yourself much before you enter the UK job market. Remember that self analysis is best (like SWOT analysis of yourself), as you are able to identify those qualities you hold and those that you need to brand your career. If you look back at your UK university achievement, at your past companies, past designations or past work experiences a definitive mind mapping of career emerges. So, you are the best judge of your career dreams (what you aspired before joining UK university and now as you have passed out). Analyze the basic qualities that you are comfortable with or adept in. DIY do it yourself! So write them down using appropriate power words. There are many types or kinds of experiences that you would have gained. But you would have to relate the skill with the job that you’re seeking or applying for. If you are trying to move out of your present job, then task is easier. Take out the skill that you are expert in and find out how that would help to make a career change.
3. UK Career branding strategy requires perception of you:
Importance of branding yourself is immense. If you cannot analyse yourself, then look around. There is another method of analyzing to ask your colleague or friend for their perception of you, a 360degree feedback. Though you may be working in a particular field, you could be thinking that you are expert in it, but there could be some other quality of you that maybe overlooked. Get a 360 feedback perception of you (from UK University professors, your batchmates, roommates), before UK career branding strategy is chalked out. Add your colleague’s frank remark that could turn out to be your best branding clue!!
4. Prioritizing skill sets in UK:
This is an alternate method to career branding route. Look through the various activities that you are involved with in the current job profile in UK. Then prioritize them by assigning a numerical score to rank them. This weighted average method helps you know which qualities are best suitable for your work. You could be working as brand manager in UK, but your proficient in carrying out organizing events for the sales team. So you are a marketing specialist but in wrong place in the industry. The UK employer reading your resume needs to understand the transition of careers in UK, and you need career branding to prove you fit as per your quality.
5. Build on your past skills:
Once identified, try to build on your past skills. This is incremental growth in knowledge, competencies and abilities. Learning never stops and to use learning for leveraging career goals, personal improvement, career branding is a worth spending time. You could use statements to identify the specific quality that you are expert in the new field, or get a transition CV in order to change sectors or change jobs.
6. Build rest of structure:
Having written down, then build the rest of the structure to complement this nature. It would help to support this brand that is stated.
7. Align your CV:
How to align your CV? Yes with new skills you need a updated CV. Get a custom CV made from professional CV makers. You definitely require a transition CV to complement this new personal brand image in the job market. You could possibly make more than one resume to cater to various job descriptions that you are seeking. Change your old resume to a CV. Add action verbs in your CV. Explain out the project experiences and skills in sync with new dimension of personal brand in the job. Try to avoid including all the experiences that you have. It probably won’t fit to the nature of brand identified. Take out a minimum of four to five specific target sentences or statements to support your brand.
8. Get training to append:
In case you feel there is something lacking which requires certain education to be fulfilled, then proceed to get it before embarking on the journey. Get the necessary training or certification to be completely fit for the brand that you intend to have.
9. Specific colour to your brand:
You could also choose a specific colour to your branding. The colours that you prefer describes your attributes and connects with the promise. It could be in the fonts or the page colours. But ensure that you maintain consistency in your colours while communicating.
10. Use proper email signatures:
Use appropriate email signatures with your full name, current title (if working), professional title used in the resume (if searching for job), and contact number.
11. Market yourself through Jobskillstraining UK:
Tips to market yourself. This is the easiest and toughest part of the whole process. Get help to improve yourself.
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