“It is okay to own a technology, what is not okay is to be owned by technology.”
– Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family
Should Social Media Be Used in Education Industry? – Today’s topic has raised many conflicts before. In this rapidly changing world, in this digital era, we have adopted the habit of relying on the internet and Social Platforms for almost everything we do and need in daily life. However, people who are aware of the disadvantages and ill-effects of Social Media would howl a strict no for its usage in the education industry. On the other hand, people who regularly enjoy the benefits of such platforms would like to give it a try even for education. Being in Education Industry, let’s see what Stunited thinks about it and what factors we should consider before we can conclude this topic.
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How Can Social Media Be Effectively Used In Education Industry
Social media plays the role of a communication medium among students, parents, and even teachers. Classwork information, upcoming events, important notices, and other data are shared over the internet using social media. Education businesses and institutions can increase student engagement in their pages and events using social media.
Social networking sites promote E-learning which attracts today’s kids more than the conventional learning ways. Besides, students can gather knowledge and find solutions to different problems using these sites after school hours. E-learning helps students understand difficult topics at their pace after the limited period of classes at schools and colleges.
It can also be used as a collaborative medium for group tasks and tasks involving secondary and tertiary research. Social media opens opportunities for accessing information at a large scale out of the syllabus boundaries and helps students achieve better academic performance. While using social media students get to improve their reading, writing, and communication abilities. During the Covid-19 Pandemic when every sector of the world faced drastic changes in their systems education industry encountered that too. Due to this change, new methods of teaching have been invented and deployed over social platforms. Young adult students and teachers can find like-minded groups of people studying the same subject on social channels and can exchange information with a wider network.
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Adverse Impact of Social Platforms On Education
Overuse of social media impacts students’ mental and physical health negatively. An excessive amount of e-learning, typing instead of writing, and constant connection with friend circles create distractions in students. It also lowers the natural studying ability of children. It lowers the ability to keep up with offline classes conducted in institutions. Using social media, and attending online classes all the time can make students less disciplined. Constant virtual connections instead of real, face-to-face meetings can create abnormalities in the underdeveloped mindsets of kids. Usage of social media for everything promotes high chances of getting addicted to digital devices which has a devastating impact on human health and lifestyle. It is significantly and negatively reducing the habit of reading books in almost every population.
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Precautions To Be Taken
School-going age of children is the period of optimum mental and physical growth for every human. During this time students should be restricted from using social media and encouraged to lead a normal life by going to school and attending classes with other students. They should be trying to understand topics within the given class time and in case of difficulty, their go-to person should be their teacher or parents instead of the internet. Playing outside, studying from books maintaining routines, and interacting with other children are habits that help a student to be disciplined and develop common abilities. Parents of school-going kids can take responsibility for the occasionally required tasks of data sharing, communicating with other parents and teachers, etc. which might need to be done over Social Platforms.
Undergraduate students can be allowed to use Social Platforms but for a limited time period. Care should be taken of what they are using the internet for and they should be inhibited from abusing it. This must be taken care of so that the students during their student life, do not get affected adversely by Social Networking.
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Stunited’s Outlook
“Everything excess in life, is poison”
– Swami Vivekananda
Whenever something new and interesting is invented and introduced to the public, we overuse it till we get negatively impacted. The best example of it can be cell phones. But the fact is science and technology and their usage are inevitable for a progressive world. The responsibility is on us that what we use, how and how much we use it, and what we use it for.
Social Media is one unparalleled technical invention that connects the world. If used effectively and carefully, it can be extremely beneficial and convenient for any sector including education. This does not mean students, especially the school-going ones have to use it themselves. Young adult students who understand the difference between good and bad habits, can control their actions and mind, are habituated to a healthy lifestyle, are self-disciplined and goal-oriented can use social platforms for their benefit in studies and careers. This way Social Media can be used effectively in the education sector without getting the students addicted to it.
Featured Image Courtesy: Unsplash
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