Post-Pandemic Education – Opportunities & Challenges
Post-Pandemic Education – Opportunities & Challenges – The title itself speaks for today’s topic of discussion. We have talked a lot about the changes brought up to the education industry during the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of those changes. Now, as educational institutions are reopened in all nations it is natural to encounter challenges while coping with new systems, and educational strategies and balancing them with conventional methods. According to several interviews, questionnaires and surveys, experts are seeing both – challenges and opportunities for the entire education industry and its stakeholders as the after-effects of the pandemic.
Let’s take a look at some of the opportunities and challenges the pandemic has created for the education industry.
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Opportunities Brought to the Education Sector
Although it’s hard to believe, the Covid-19 Pandemic along with its adverse impacts has created a few opportunities as well for the post-pandemic education industry. Yes, you read it right. While we can never deny the ill effects of the devastating infection, we can also choose to look at the bright sides.
Opportunity 1: Highlighted Loopholes in the Education System
The crisis of the Covid-19 Pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability and fragile aspects of the education sector, and during this crisis only, the sector has overcome many of them for the sake of continuity and education of millions of students worldwide. Still, there is space for development and improvement. By addressing them the industry can achieve sustainability where it will be well-equipped with precautions and the infrastructure to successfully face and overcome future challenges without interrupting its activities.
Opportunity 2: Wise usage of Technology at its best for a better outcome
The pandemic has forced educators to adopt digital technology to continue teaching while the institutions remained shut. It removed the rigidity educators used to feel about using technology in teaching and learning activities and promoted digital literacy for both teachers and students. Also, the usage of technology provided the students with access to digital learning resources and in-depth knowledge of subjects beyond syllabus limits. Furthermore, non-teaching operations of educational institutions are also being performed using technical support as much as possible.
Read Here: Technology in Education – A Brief Discussion
Opportunity 3: Increased number of Teaching and Learning Methods
In order to keep the educational activities going, educators in all countries have implied new methods of teaching and learning among which the most effective and used method is Blended Learning Mode. In this method, a balance between conventional learning and digital learning has been created. This has been proven to be more effective for modern students. This type of learning is more engaging, more interesting for students and more convenient in terms of time consumption and learning costs. That’s why these methods will remain effective and will be developed for better in the post-pandemic education scenario.
Opportunity 4: Development of Self-Learning Abilities
During the pandemic when online learning was the only learning method and there was no way of direct contact between students and teachers, students developed personalised learning abilities on their own according to their convenience. The quarantined life provided them with the time they needed to explore their abilities and learn new topics using methods formulated by the students themselves. These skills can turn out to be a great help for them in long term.
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Post-Pandemic Education – Challenges
Challenge 1: Attendance
According to education business owners and educators, the most prominent educational challenge the institutions are going through is the lower attendance of students. Among all standards, students who got habituated to home-schooling and virtual learning during the pandemic have become unwilling to attend offline classes. this situation is creating difficulties for teachers to finish the syllabus in time and conduct other learning activities properly.
Challenge 2: Uneven Educational Growth of Students
During the pandemic, to continue learning activities online learning was the only option for institutions. During this, monitoring all the students, their learning status and educational growth individually became practically unachievable. Now when the examinations were conducted online and students are already promoted to higher standards, uneven learning status, and inequality of knowledge from previous standards are common problems in all institutions and all groups of pupils.
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Challenge 3: Drastic Changes in Student Behavior, Habits and Discipline
Online learning from home for a prolonged time has changed certain habits in students. They have become more dependent on technology than usual. The absence of normal systems of school has damaged the sense of discipline in the pupils. Dietary habits have been changed because of changed schedules. Appearing for offline examinations has become more challenging a task for students appearing for online exams from home. Since digital resources are more interesting to learn from, students are prioritising them over textbooks. Natural learning abilities have become impaired.
Challenge 4: Increased Need for Student Support
Because of the changed habits and uneven academic growth, the need for support has increased for students. Teachers are having to put extra effort into the same. Also, new learning methods are consuming more time from teachers for additional tasks like creating study materials for personalised learning, developing teaching approaches to cope with the changes, preparing students who fell behind during home-schooling, and more.
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Winding Up!
The Covid pandemic snatched more than two years from the world. This time was sufficient for students to take up new habits, and for the education industry to formulate and imply new approaches to teaching and learning. The pandemic and its effects worldwide were not at all desirable and it devasted innumerable lives. Out of this negativity, a few positive aspects may be highlighted among which we discussed a few especially relevant to the education sector. The pandemic is already a faded memory and people all over the world are overcoming its fear. As discussed, we are sure to overcome the challenges by taking appropriate steps and bringing more opportunities and possibilities out of this trying time for the post-pandemic education industry.
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