How You Can Earn Your Doctoral Degree


How You Can Earn Your Doctoral Degree?

How You Can Earn Your Doctoral Degree? You had made a wish long time back. Stunited UK presents in this article few of the best ways to earn your doctoral degree in UK. There are many options to earn your doctoral degree – a PhD in Management in UK or a DBA degree in UK.

Therefore the question now is should choose a DBA degree or a PhD degree in Management? There are many factors to be considered here, your MBA degree ideally should contribute to the career progression. But if you haven’t got any promotion in the last five years, either vertical or horizontal, you need to reconsider and strategise your career pathway.

This answer also depends much on your interests in MBA specialisation, socio demographic factors, location and your career goals. Remember that both PhD and DBA degrees are the highest level of academic achievement one can earn. Additionally, both are built on MBA degree that you already have. Thirdly, DBA or PhD are both highly respected in academia and business.

Let us understand profile of the two types of candidates applying for Doctoral Degree:

Common profile of PhD candidates

If you are in the early stages of your career, working in junior and middle management ranks, aiming senior management and over 30 years of age, then the obvious choice for you is to pursue a PhD. However bear in mind, PhD has a rigour in its research methods that you need to undergo. Secondly, it is not wise to leave job and enrol in a PhD now unless you are sure to join Ivy league colleges and universities.  In addition, if you are truly interested in conducting research, make a career in research and academia, then delve deep in a topic/ topic(s) or would like to pass on your knowledge to university students, a PhD is certainly more suitable for you. Stunited UK recommends to choose interdisciplinary thesis topics to stand out in the PhD world.

Common profile of DBA candidates

Candidates who opt for a DBA are usually older than PhD students, usually in their late 30s or 40s or even older. DBA candidates are seasoned and have significant years of industry work experience. Most of the DBA candidates are willing and attempting to break in to the upper management positions in the company. Most of them have pursued MBA as part time or MBA full time, some DBA aspirants also have dual MBA specialisations.

Both doctoral PhD and DBA degrees lead to a doctor’s title which is the great part. Secondly, the professional value of these degrees is equal in status. They hold equal  standing and international acknowledgement in terms of societal or business world perception.

However, there are differences as mentioned above. The DBA degree is considered a professional doctorate that are advanced research degrees, while PhD is an academic doctorate. Both are degrees involve a common methodology to know the truth of a new research topic, by conducting original research, analyzing data, and producing important findings.

PhD research methods is focused on developing theories, addressing a gap between theories, or addressing a gap in the general body of knowledge. The PhD may be more appropriate if you are focused on a faculty career in higher education, or a career as a researcher in a research centre. Mid age career decision requires a carefully chosen approach. The DBA has tremendous attractive offerings for the working professionals, if they are thinking to pursue ultimate degree that can be put to benefit the careers. The above synthesis about PhD in UK and DBA in UK have shown clear distinctions, would now help you to make your final decision, and help you to earn your doctoral degree.

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