This post provides some useful tips on students can become a blogger and start a career. A blog is essentially an online platform where you can express, preserve and store your thoughts, opinions, and ideas as you gradually acquire knowledge and develop an academic career. Many student blogs mainly focus on academics, while others primarily concentrate on more personal aspects. Irrespective of the type of blog (subject area of the content) you intend to set up, writing blog posts can unquestionably help students in strengthening your written communication skills, analytical skills and assist you in developing a network of readers on the same wavelength, student community, friends and acquaintances- and even prospective recruiters.
Continue reading for some blogging tips that new student bloggers might find useful along with some important information on how students can start blogging, which are the suitable platforms, how topics can be chosen, and how to gain entry into guest blogging.
1. Think thoroughly and select the subject
Firstly, think thoroughly about the subject areas/things that you are inclined to and passionate about. It may or may not be something related to your academics, university experiences, further studies, or career choices. A very strong reason not to start writing without gaining a comprehensive idea about your interests/inclinations is that you might find it extremely uninteresting and can start thinking about abandoning the work. A student blog must be entertaining, enjoyable, should be something that you want to come back to, therefore, it is important to ensure that you are completely engrossed in what you are writing about.
2. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about long paragraphs of writing
You do not need to worry If you think that writing is not your strong point. You can use artworks, drawings, rough outlines, schematic presentations, photography, and mind maps to express your thoughts, ideas, and viewpoints, and stay away from writing long paragraphs. A short description, slogan, header/footer, title, and subtitle along with your visuals can encapsulate your process.

3. Start Signing up to free platforms of blogging
There are loads of different platforms available that are extremely user-friendly and require no critical technical skill. If your blog posts start gaining popularity, you might want to mull over the idea of getting your domain and start paying for it, but up until then, you can consider using free blogging platforms. This will certainly help you in developing your style of writing, the sphere of interest, your specialty, specialization, and a solid readership, without paying up for the same. There are several prototypes and patterns available to users of free blogging platforms, and the method is as trouble-free and straightforward as selecting a ready-made design.

A list of Common blogging sites are mentioned below: (from Google) (from the founders of Twitter)
4. Fix realistic targets
The most difficult part of blogging is to continue to do the work consistently with the same eagerness. Being a student blogger, it will be important for you to balance your studies and work effectually, planning and scheduling time for all of your tasks. However, please remember that completing your assignments on time should be your top priority. There is no hard and fast rule as far as the number of blog posts is concerned, it will solely depend on your schedule and the leisure time you can discern in between your classes, projects, assignments, internship/part-time work, and social life.

5. Stay conversant and updated
It is important to stay abreast of economic news, industry updates, current affairs as well as other states of things related to your sphere of interest. This is because writing blogs based on the rhythm of current activities is an effective way to present pertinent content to a wide base of readers, just like Twitter posts use #Hastags to stay on-trend. Writing about the latest things will increase the possibility of getting a higher number of viewers as a greater number of internet users will be searching for these contents.

6. Think through guest blogging for a well-known site
It is undeniable that guest blogging is an effective way of publicizing your writings to a large number of addressees without having to maintain your site. Again, if you already have your domain, still guest blogging can play an immensely important role in developing a portfolio of work, plus offer accessibility to a wide number of viewers. Although most of the websites shall not pay guest bloggers, however, they will allow you to include an author bio as part of your blog, with a link to your domain or selection of work.

Before beginning your work as a guest blogger, it is important to make sure that you have a clear idea regarding the readership of that site. Also, it is important to gauge its purpose and check whether your style of writing matches it. Particularly, you might have the choice of selecting your topic nevertheless on certain occasions, otherwise, you might be given a particular topic to write about.
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