How I Got an Internship at Goldman Sachs in London (And HOW YOU CAN as Well!)


In this vlog, Afzal Hussein spells out how he got an Internship at Goldman Sachs in London (and HOW YOU CAN TOO). He explains with precision how candidates need to focus on networking to get an entry ticket to a Goldman Sachs internship on top of having an outstanding CV. The final goal of networking and having an informational discussion at official events of the company with different representatives present there is to get your CV passed to the HR section of Goldman Sachs. In this video, Afzal also highlights the importance of doing insight weeks in your first year of university for proactively building your CV, ways of exploring and preparing for competency-based questions, brain teasers, technical aspects of the particular division you are applying for, and finally techniques of crafting a brilliant cover letter. Besides this, he has drawn attention to other additional points that need to be considered if you are targeting to secure an Internship at Goldman Sachs. Watch the vlog to find out more about this.

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