“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in,
he has no choice, but to become an outlaw.”
– Nelson Mandela
England’s first Secure School for young offenders “Oasis Restore” is to be opened soon. The school envisions a future where off-track young individuals who once committed crimes due to various circumstances and causes can get an opportunity to get back to mainstream society. As the organisation states its values, it is working towards building a community where the transformation of life will take place through Education, Care, Well-Being, and Hope. The organisation with an inclusive approach believes in the god-given potential gifted to every human being on earth and that, every individual, if treated equally and given equal opportunities can contribute to the world significantly. Let us discuss further and know the significance of this initiative that can impact society and lives positively.
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All About Oasis Restore – England’s First Secure School for Young Offenders
Oasis Restore, founded and headed by Steve Chalke is being established in Rochester of Kent, England. The special institution is claimed to be a replacement for jail for young offenders. Oasis Charitable Trust, in partnership with the government, is running the organisation in association with National Health Service, England. During the last year, the holistic environment of Oasis Restore has been created to provide its children with education, health support, and care. Along with the mission of helping young individuals get a new and right direction in life, another objective of this institution is to break the societal misconception regarding juvenile offenders. It aims to prove that rather than punishing such children, love, care, proper education, and opportunities can benefit their life and help them become different, better, and responsible human beings. Young workers will get the opportunity to work here. The students will have bedrooms with other facilities. Students will indulge in different fun activities in the evening. Oasis Restore will keep in touch with its students even after the duration of their stay and provide all possible supports the students may need to get established in life.
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Why Do Young Individuals Commit Crime?
Young individuals who commit crimes usually do so due to factors like a lack of empathic atmosphere surrounding them, childhood traumas, guilt or shame, social and life disadvantages, greed, peer pressure, and lack of a sense of wrongdoing. Also, some commit crimes unknowingly, or without knowing the consequences of their activity. Some get involved with unlawful activities by accident. Lack of supervision from parents, having friend circles who commit misdeeds for fun, mental health issues, and hyperactivity disorders can influence a young fellow to choose the wrong path.
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Why England’s First Secure School Is Committed To Bringing Juveniles Back To Mainstream?
Young individuals who once committed crimes should be given a second chance to get out of whatever cause made them do something that they were not supposed to do. Because punishing them for a long time will not change the atmosphere around them and won’t open the door to opportunities that may encourage them to see life differently. It won’t improve their life in any way. Also, if they remain in the same situation even after the punishment society will not accept them. They won’t be allowed to access the resources to gain knowledge or skills to work. This way they won’t be able to run their life acceptably. As a result, they will be forced by their situation to commit more crimes to earn bread. Instead of this, if they are provided with the resources that will help them develop as any other citizen, they may choose the righteous path in life and channelise their energy towards good work. England’s first Secure School “Oasis Restore” will promote this to bring the juveniles back to the life they once left behind.
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“All Crime is a kind of disease and should be treated as such.”
– Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
We can reduce criminal offenses in society more by omitting the reasons behind the crimes than boycotting each offender for a lifetime. When it comes to young offenders, punishing and abandoning them from society results in wasting an entire human life full of potential. By this, neither we can encourage such individuals to become better people nor can we limit crimes to occur. Instead, if we work towards the betterment of life for such people and make them choose the right direction in life, it will be hugely impactful for society as well as for the people concerned.
Featured Image Courtesy: Dallas Observer
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