RSS UK Higher Education News
  • Rats, mould, damp: UK’s biggest student homes provider faces legal action over poor accommodation September 7, 2024
    A tenants’ rights group is fighting for justice for residents of university halls who claim health affected by conditionsStudents across the country are demanding rent refunds from the UK’s biggest university hall owner, claiming they have endured infestations of rats, mice and bed bugs, and had their health affected by mould and damp.Flat Justice, a […]
    Anna Fazackerley
  • How can you make going to university worth it? We ask the experts September 7, 2024
    Where to study is just as important as what – especially when it comes to finding a jobFor sixth-formers researching possible university choices, there is no end of data to draw on. While previous generations had to make do with a university prospectus and an open day, now there are hours of “fun” to be […]
    Sally Weale
  • Ones to watch: three rising stars of this year’s university guide September 7, 2024
    Breaking into the upper echelons of a university system dominated by the Russell Group isn’t easy, but Surrey, Lancaster and Bath are on the upThe best UK universities 2025 – rankingsWhen politicians claim that the UK’s universities are failing to prepare students for careers in the real world, Prof Max Lu, vice-chancellor of the University of Surrey, […]
    Richard Adams, Education editor
  • Leading lights: which unis are on the up in the University Guide? September 7, 2024
    A close look at this year’s league tables reveals stories of great improvement at some institutions, while others excel at particular subjectsThe best UK universities 2025 – rankingsIt’s not just the dreaming spires of ancient institutions that top the guide – modern universities are catching up. The University of Essex has climbed to 23rd overall […]
    Rachel Hall
  • Labour’s ‘change of tone’ revives foreign students’ interest in UK universities September 7, 2024
    Admissions officers report rise in number of inquiries from international students since general electionThe best UK universities 2025 – rankingsApplications by international students to UK universities have been revitalised in a welcome boost for the sector’s ailing financial health by the Labour government’s “change of tone” on immigration since the general election.Vice-chancellors and admissions officers […]
    Richard Adams, Education editor

