Posted by Poushali Bagchi on December 19, 2022 at 10:18 am

    Information about : Post Study Work Visa

    The UK Home Office has formally opened its new post-study work visa (Graduate Route Visa UK) for international students. This will officially allow Indian and other international students to stay in the UK for work after completing their study courses.

    Graduate Route Visa UK: What is it?

    Who are Eligible for a UK Post Study Work Visa?

    Are Students Allowed to Work in the UK After Graduation?

    When Should the Students Apply for the UK Post Study Work Visa?

    When Will I get a Confirmation About the UK Post Study Work Visa?

    What is the Cost of UK Post Study Work Visa?

    What to do After the UK Post Study Work Visa Ends?


    Poushali Bagchi replied 1 year, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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