Here’s a blog post checklist with 15 tips to guide your strategy:
1. Present your purpose clearly
It is important to communicate a clear message. Therefore, before starting to write, student bloggers can chalk out a list of ideas for a blog post with a clear purpose and objective in mind.
Create an outline for the post to help you stay on the right course and ensure your writing communicates a clear and distinct message.
As a student blogger, you need to learn to perform SEO research. Firstly, you need to ascertain the main keywords that you are aiming to rank for the particular blog post. Secondly, you need to use the keywords in the body of the post with high density as well as in the title of the post. Students can use different keyword research tools to get a deeper understanding of the terms they are seeking to rank for. Some blogging tools will help you show what kind of content is already there for a selected keyword. This is an important element of blog post checklist that can help you to shape your content and optimize the same.
The content that you will write needs to be informative and captivating, however, a very small number of people will read it if the title is boring. Therefore, as a student blogger, it is extremely essential to ensure that your title is appealing, suggestive, and integrates the primary keywords. This is another important component of your blog post checklist.
5. Give references and credit to sources
While writing on a particular topic, you will now and then need information from other sources for your post. In this case, it is important to cite the reference and give credit to the actual source of information (whether it is a government data/statistics, a news piece, or any quote), else you can face a legal attack.
The practice of providing links to your other blog posts is known as internal linking. This task offers value to the reader by providing them with more content to ingest. Also, these tactics will retain them for a longer period on your site, which in line, will prove to be gainful for your audience as well as your business.
7. Make external links open in a new window
While providing references and giving credit to any particular piece of information, you will have to add external links to your site. This practice is known as external linking. Now, at the time of inserting external links, it is important to ensure that the external link opens in a new tab. This is because if the external link opens in the same window, the user will be navigated away from your site to another site.
8. Cross the 300-word mark
It is a fact that search engines are likely to give higher ranks to posts with more than 300 words. Thus, you can try to increase your total word count by presenting detailed information on a particular topic and expanding it in a way that can help readers to understand your post better.
9. Cut long blog posts into short segments
Writing long chunks of text can discourage people to read it. Therefore, you can break long pieces of text into short segments. You can provide a title/heading for each section that can help people to know the context of the succeeding paragraph. Also, you can think about adding keywords in those sub-headings.
Other than breaking your blog post into smaller sections, you can also consider writing small paragraphs to make the piece more enticing. Bite-sized text will help readers to speed read and be more likable.
11. Use bullet points and present lists
Presenting information or facts in bullet points or providing a list can make it more visually well-ordered and arranged, thus making it more legible and user-friendly. Also, bullet points and listings can help in SEO by increasing your probability of getting featured extracts on Google.
12. Add a Call-To-Action (CTA) at the close
Even though one objective for publishing blog posts is to update people regarding your selected industry, you also need to encourage readers to undertake actions and pass through your revenue funnel. You can lead them through when purchasing your products/services by adding CTA at the foot of your post.
Adding images to your blog will make it more reachable and at the same time visually attractive.
- You can consider optimizing the images by resizing them close to the size they will display on your site.
- You can add keywords to the name of the photo as search bots will identify the name and it will be another opportunity for higher SEO ranking
- You can add alt-text to the selected images for the post as it provides the opportunity to illustrate the relevance of the image. This also aids search engines to rank those images.
14. Proofread
Proofreading is an extremely important part of learning to successfully write blog posts. You need to do it over and over again to identify all possible mistakes. You can read it aloud as it can make it easier for a blogger to spot the errors and rectify them.
15. Categorise and tag your post
To note the type of content you are making, it is important to categorize and/or tag the blog post. This will help the readers easily find related content after they went through the specific blog post.
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